Saturday, November 3, 2012

Question 1 (Marketing Strategies)

One marketing strategy that I encountered this week was one which encouraged my impulsive buying. I’ve learned, through the reading, that research has found that over seventy percent of purchasing decisions are made on the spot in retail stores. It seemed a little off to me at first but, after giving it some thought, I realized there was some truth to it. I almost always go into the drugstore for one item in particular and end up leaving with a handful more than I had planned to buy. This week I went into Walgreens to get some Tylenol and decided to get some gum and chips that were by the checkout line. Before reading this chapter, I had no idea so much thought was being put into how and where the products are being displayed in the store. Though I don’t like the thought of being manipulated by marketing research, I have to admit I’m impressed by how effective it seems to be.

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