Saturday, November 17, 2012

Question 1 (Falsifiable Horoscopes)

Today, Virgo, don't be too surprised if you have difficulty getting into a work frame of mind. It's likely that you'd rather daydream than be in the real world. You're susceptible to daydreaming and taking imaginative trips. Consider making a list of everything that you need to do to help you focus. This will help you meet your short-term objectives, and you can take it easy this evening
My horoscope basically says that I will have a hard time focusing at work today and that creating a list of what I need to do would help me keep track of my short term objectives. This prediction felt a little vague to me. Most people get distracted when they are trying to work and yes making a list can help you keep on track, but that would be true for just about anyone on any day of the week. I’m finding that horoscopes tend to give practical advice and disguise it as something that is unique to your circumstances, so that when it works, you get the feeling they knew the future. It would seem that this horoscope is falsifiable because all it would take is one Virgo to say that this prediction didn’t apply to them today, however, I think it would be difficult to find someone who wasn’t distracted at all and who wouldn’t benefit from making a list of what they need to do.

1 comment:

  1. It is true. These predictions are really vague so that you are able to try and adapt it to your life. As I posted into my blog, if horoscopes were accurate than more than everyone that is your sign would be experiencing the same prediction. You clearly described how your horoscope related to your day, but I think you failed to describe the validity of all horoscopes in general.
