Saturday, April 14, 2012

Question 2 (Friendship)

My best friend and I have known each other since sophomore year of high school. I think the biggest investment that we’ve made in each other is time. We spent almost every day of high school together both in and out of class. We arrived at parties together, double dated and got to know each other’s family. We built trust, acceptance and closeness through the long conversations we’ve had over the years. We’re both free to speak our minds, no matter where they lead us, knowing that we won’t be judged for the things we say. I’ve always thought this was one of the best parts of our friendship. I found this chapter to be very helpful and I did learn a few ways in which I could be a better friend in the future. I noticed that the dynamics of my friendship with him were pretty much the same as those identified in this chapter. However, I do think there is room for improvement.

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