Saturday, April 21, 2012

Question 2 (love or commitment)

I have experienced a relationship in which there was commitment but not love. Although, in the beginning, I might have thought I was in love with her, it became clear to me later that that wasn’t the case. I cared about her deeply, and I was committed, but that was about it. I had hoped that my feelings for her would grow as the relationship progressed. It was almost like I was waiting for the moment in which I would suddenly fall in love with her. Of course, the moment never came for me and at that point I felt like I was obliged to stick it out. It was months before I finally had enough sense to end the relationship. I have experienced both relationships, one in which only love was present, and the other in which there was only commitment. I’ve come to understand that love and commitment go hand in hand with each other. It’s not enough to love someone but not want to be around or invest in the relationship. On the other hand, commitment without love can make a relationship feel like a job or obligation rather than a gift.

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