Sunday, April 29, 2012

Question 2 (Marriage)

Based on recent cultural trends and the progression of my generation’s values, I think that marriage is going to become less meaningful in the next fifty years. This chapter mentioned that approximately half of all marriages end in divorce now and sixty percent of remarriages do not last either. With this in mind, I think that marriage could reach a level of degradation in which it is equivalent to dating someone instead of being the lifelong commitment it was meant to be. I’ve never been married, so I can’t say I know the struggles and obstacles that come along with it, but I’m still disappointed by the divorce rate these days. It makes me think that people, that my generation, isn’t taking marriage as seriously as they should. I’m not saying that no one should be allowed to get a divorce. I’m just saying that it shouldn’t be used so freely. It should be a last resort, something you turn to when you’ve already tried everything else.

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