Sunday, March 25, 2012

Defensive/ Supportive

Another part of this chapter that I found interesting was the part that discussed defensive and supportive climates in communication. I found myself in strong agreement with what it had to say about evaluative communication and how it leads to defensiveness. I’ve never like it when I’m talking to someone and they give me a look or a comment that says I had clearly done something wrong in their eyes. I’m not all that self-conscious but I certainly don’t like being judged. I doubt anyone really does. Judging someone, even the ones you are close to, can easily lead to implications of superiority or condescension. I am the sort of person who becomes defensive when I think that others are judging or evaluating my decision in a way that suggest they wouldn’t have done it like I had, that they would’ve done it right. It’s easy to look at a situation from the outside and think you have all the answer. It’s a different matter entirely to actually experience it.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree with you in regards to judging and feelings of being defensive. I also posted about this particular topic as well. It's not fair when someone judges you so quickly based on something you said. It is true that no one likes to be judged based on anything they do, especially being in college when everyone is still trying to find him or herself and mature as an adult. Judging someone can inhibit that action of growth, which isn't fair at all because everyone deserves that right to do so. Just like you, I can also become defensive if I feel that I am being judged, but over the years since being in college, I have learned to not let it get to me and move one as people are going to judge you al your life and can’t do anything about it.
