Sunday, March 4, 2012


It is described in this chapter as being the first step in listening. Mindfulness, in regards to listening, is being present in the moment and not letting your mind wander. It involves taking on the perspective of the person who is trying to communicate with you without imposing your own ideas, feelings or judgement. Mindfulness is a crucial part of good listening. It is also completely within everyones reach. All one has to do is choose to be mindful of what another is trying to say. Unfortunately, many people still choose to ignore the speakers veiwpoint and replace them with their own. I would like to believe that I'm a mindful listener but I know that there are times when I let my own beliefs keep me from even trying to understand someone else's veiwpoint. In the future, I would like to try being more mindful of what people are trying to say to me.


  1. This is something that I believe I can work on which is why I touched on this topic as well. I too believe that am a mindful listener, however when I am busy or have multiple things on my plate my mind tends to wander. I begin to think about things I need to complete, deadlines that need to be made and other things that seem more important to me at the time. I do believe it is definitely a very crucial part of listening. I definitely agree with you in terms of the fact that many people still choose to ignore speakers viewpoint. Unfortunately this is somethign that we as humans struggle with. If we do not educate ourselves with the way to communicate with others properly than things will not change. Thank you for sharing your opinion.

  2. Hey cobb blog,

    Your post on mindfulness was really informative and I learned a lot from it. For some people, being mindful of the other person in a conversation is easy, while for others, it is a difficult thing. We should let the other person finish what they want to say, give our utmost attention, without putting in our biases and comments before they finish. Nobody likes being interrupted, especially if the listener is not paying attention, or is just trying to put their opinions on the subject before you finish. I definitely find it disrespectful and sometimes just choose to not talk about it anymore at all. We should definitely all try to be mindful when conversing with other people, even if you don't know them at all.
