Saturday, March 3, 2012

Question 2 (Listening Skill)

The website,, explained ten key concepts for better listening. It said that in order to better your listening skills you need to find an area of interest, judge content no delivery, hold your fire, listen for ideas, be flexible, work at listening, resist distractions, exercise your mind, keep your mind open and capitalize on thought and speed. What I took away from this site is that listening is about more than just hearing what is said. It’s about understanding what you are hearing and actively immersing your mind into the topic. I think it’s a little surprising how easily people disregard the listening part of communication. I have on a few occasions found myself so eager to make my point to someone that I completely ignore the point that they’re trying to make. I definitely need to work at my listening skills and I’m eager to try out what I’ve learned from the site.

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