I have found it to be very difficult to confirm others when I disagree with them. When I’m discussing a matter with someone, I’ll make my point and watch as they nod their head and tell me how they see the value in my statement. However, when they try to state a point of view which is contrary to mine, I brush right pass it and try to restate my own. Although I have always thought it to be a natural part of debating with my friends and family, I’m now starting to see the harm it can cause. It’s not enough for me to just recognize that the person I’m talking to exists. This chapter helped me see how I need to start acknowledging their thoughts and feeling more than I have in the past. I shouldn’t expect them to value what I have to say if I’m not willing to extend the same courtesy to them.
I really enjoyed reading your post for this week about confirming others. Something that you stated made me totally think twice when I communicate. I have to admit that I also find myself giving advice and the recipient nodding their head and understanding where I am coming from. However, you are exactly right when you say that whey they try to state their point of view, we tend to blow right past them or cut them off mid- sentence and try to take control of the situation. If it were the other way around, I would be so offended that they couldn’t even hear my point of view, just as I had listened to theirs. This really opened my eyes, so I appreciate that a lot!