Sunday, February 5, 2012

Question 2

A relationship in m life that has become closer over time would be my relationship with my best friend. We met sophomore year in high school. In the beginning, we talked only about neutral topics such as how much homework we had to deal with or whether we liked our teachers or not. I think we both consciously avoided topics that we thought were too close to us. We didn’t want to say anything that could be used against us later. It was an I-You relationship from the beginning. There was a connection but we weren’t quite ready to let our guard down. However, without either of us realizing, our conversations started to become more personal. We started talking about our family, friends and past experiences as if we had known each other for years but in fact we had only met a couple months ago. The two of us have been friends for about four years now and there isn’t much we keep from each other. We talk about our families, friends, ambitions, political views, religious beliefs and anything else that might come up in conversation. Although I’m truly amazed by how our bond has grown over the years, I’m even more amazed by how much we’ve affected each other. I’m a different person from who I was in high school and it’s largely in part to my friendship with him. Our friendship and past experiences have challenged me to be a better man.

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