Friday, February 17, 2012

Question 1 (Metaphor)

I like Reverend Jesse Jackson’s rainbow metaphor for America. I think it does a good job of describing the diversity of this country without diminishing any culture. It illustrates that it’s the union of all of the different cultures and people that makes this country beautiful. However, that’s not to say that I’m against the melting pot metaphor that has been used so many times before. I don’t think that it is really implies that we should all forget our roots but rather that we should remember that we are all Americans, no matter what we look like or where our families are from. If I was to describe America with my own metaphor, I would describe us as being an orchestra. Each ethnicity, each culture would be represented by a different instrumental group and while they could just as easily make music separately, it’s theunited harmony that makes it beautiful. It’s all of the instruments playing together in synch that makes it an orchestra.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice example using the orchestra. Most of us do remember our own roots but there are some of us who'd rather forget them also. Sometimes there are some of us who just likes America so much they'd rather choose to be an American instead of their original culture roots. I've heard many people come from different countries to see this 'Free Country' and about 80% tourists loved this country more than theirs because of the diversity of cultures all mixed together, including their own so it wouldn't feel like they left home at all. Others think of it as a sudden change and would want to live back in their own country, but we can't blame them since they would feel comfortableness in their own kind rather in a new, alien country they've never seen before.
