Saturday, February 11, 2012

Question 2 (What is Race?)

Race is used today as a way of classifying people into certain groups by ethnicity. Although I see the risk for prejudice and stereotypes a division such as this can cause, I also understand that classifying people based on their race is unavoidable in this day and age. I think it would be difficult if not impossible to look at someone today and not take into account whether or not they are of a different race than you. Although we are all human and therefore should be equal in each other’s eyes, I would be remiss to say that we are all exactly the same. There are different ethnicities in this world and I don’t think that acknowledging this fact should be frowned upon. Furthermore, I don’t see why the Census Bureau would not want people to check multiple races in order to describe themselves. It’s not uncommon for people nowadays to have mixed ethnicities and I think it’s a little unfair for them to be forced to choose which of the many races in their background describes them the best.

1 comment:

  1. Wut up wit it blood,
    I see your point with the Census Bureau, but I feel slightly differently. People these days can be mutts, they have a little bit of everything. Personally I have friends who claim to have roots in all sorts of ethnicities. If the Census Bureau were to allow them to check every single box that applies to them, it would not be effective at all. It would be hard to generate facts about races when a predominately white male also had a little bit of black, native American, and Pacific Islander in him. I think that the people should be allowed to check two at most. As a Black/White male is sometimes struggle about what to put, but but allowing people to check two boxes, i think the system could work a little better.

    Reppin Bel Air Since '91
