Saturday, December 8, 2012

Question 1 (What I've Learned)

I have certainly learned a lot in the last few months and much of it can be attributed to all that I have learned in this course. This course has taught me what it truly means to make an argument as well as knowing the different types of arguments there are. I’ve learned that it is sometimes necessary to questions the things you believe to be true in order to leave room for other perspectives. I’ve learned about ethics, morals, fallacies and plenty of other concepts that I had never given much thought to before taking this class. However, I think the most important thing this course has taught me is how to approach situations with a rational mind in order to make better decision in my life. I can honestly say that I have applied several of the concepts and techniques that I’ve learned in this course in my everyday life. I believe this course has helped me to become a more open-minded and well rounded person.


  1. Hey Blog Cobb I feel the same away about the class as you. I am really surprised how much I have learned and grown by taking this online course. I did not know that there were ways to structure arguments and that there were different types of arguments in the first place. I thought that there was only one type of argument. Same goes for me too how I have used several concepts in real life situations too and also were able to analyze people's arguments more clearly. This class is a class that I believe everyone should take into consideration.

  2. I think I too have learned a great deal from this class. I was actually surprised that I learned so much too. I think it's cool that we've all been able to become better critical thinkers. I really enjoyed learning about these different tactics and skills for critical thinking. I will definitely be more aware of the things that I'm watching and seeing on TV or reading in magazines. Looking at situations with an open mind is something that I saw too, there is so much that we could assume, but being able to asses the situation is more important. Thank you for sharing.
