Sunday, September 2, 2012

Question 2 (Standing Your Ground)

I cannot say there has ever been a time in my life where standing up for something has put me in risk of losing my friends or job. Of course, that is not to say that I’m the sort to cower away from confrontation. It is rather that none of my relationships had been flimsy enough to have been broken by one disagreement, at least not the ones that truly mattered to me. None of the bosses I have worked under ever put me in a position where I needed to stand my ground against them either. I think the reason I have never found myself in this sort of position is because I instinctively surround myself with tolerant and understanding people, who are more inclined to discuss different point of views rather than argue about them. I do believe that if I was ever put in the position in which I needed to stand up for what I believed, even at the risk of my relationship or job, I would take a stand and do what is right. I think what I’ve learned in this chapter would help me stand my ground.

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