Sunday, May 13, 2012

Question 2 (What I've learned)

Before taking this class, I wasn’t a big fan of communication. I was the sort of person who liked to keep certain thoughts and feelings to himself. Through our assignments and discussions, I’ve come to understand the value of communication and how it can strengthen any relationship. I learned a lot in this class. I learned more about my romantic relationships and how I should be treating my partner. The mistakes I made in past relationships were made clear to me in chapter 11. Through acknowledging these mistakes, I’ve learned how to be a more patient and open partner. My understanding of friendships and how they are formed was broadened by chapter 10. I was able to take away a few techniques that I think have helped me to become a better friend. However I think that, above all else, this class has helped me to learn more about myself and who I am as a person.

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