Sunday, May 13, 2012

Further Discussion

A concept that I feel needs further discussion is the development of friendship. The stages of friendship are role-limited interaction, friendly relations, moving towards friendship, nascent friendship, stabilized friendship and waning friendship. When I went over this topic before, I mentioned how surprised I was by how easily a friendship can reach the waning stage and fall apart. I didn’t realize that not spending less time with someone could lead to the end of a relationship. I also said that I planned on using what I learned in this chapter to try and be a better friend. It has been a few weeks since then and I can say that I have done what I said I would do and, as a result, have become a better friend. Friendship that I had thought were in the waning stage have now gone back to being stabilized because I’ve made a conscious effort to spend more time with those who I had previously neglected.

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