Friday, October 19, 2012

Question 1 (Knowledge and Wisdom)

Knowledge is information or experience that we believe to be true and for which we have justification or evidence. Wisdom is our using knowledge or experiences to make good decisions. I believe I've been acquiring both knowledge and wisdom from my time here at San Jose State. I've found that, in most cases, what I learn in the classroom broadens my understanding of the world and thus leads me to make better decisions in my life. In essence, the knowledge I'm acquiring here is making me wiser. I think, in general, the information age has made people more knowledgeable but not necessarily wiser. Although the answers to our questions are almost always a few clicks away with search engines, it is still up to us to use whatever we might have learned to make wiser decisions. Having all the answers doesn’t necessarily change the person you are, that is up to us.

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